Town Spotlight: Grapevine, Texas

by | Last updated Dec 3, 2023 | Adventure After Diagnosis | 0 comments

Have you ever come across one of those towns that totally surprised you with its charm? You had a reason to stop – perhaps a friend lives there, or it’s an easy mid-point in your trip – or maybe you were literally just passing through on your way to somewhere far more exciting. This was my interaction with Grapevine, Texas.


Part of downtown Grapevine, Texas. How charming are these shops?!


What Took me to Grapevine, Texas


The original plan was to only be a quick overnight stay. I wanted to visit my friend, Brian, and see his brewery, but I had a deadline for returning home, and the Dallas/Fort Worth area would have to wait until my next trip through Texas.


I used Google satellite images and searches of hotels near the brewery to find one as close (and inexpensive) as possible. But I hadn’t done much research on the area, nor did I feel I needed to – it was only an overnight trip.


But those satellite images with the bird’s eye view were deceiving. Once I was actually there and walking through downtown, the one- or two-story brick buildings caught my eye. Main Street actually resembled a historic, charming main road, as opposed to the lackluster, perhaps industrial setting I had anticipated from the satellite images.


I hadn’t planned to be in downtown Grapevine at all. I had planned to go to my hotel, get to the brewery to visit Brian, return to the hotel, then depart for my two-day trip home the next morning. But after my road trip schedule was made, a wedding was set to be at the brewery for the same night I’d be in town. So after a tour of the brewery, Brian and I left to find another place to continue our visit.


(On that note, shout-out to Alex and Mercy for allowing me to be a light-weight wedding crasher on your special day. You both looked amazing, and I wish you two the absolute best in your new venture together. Cheers!)



A Quick History Lesson of Grapevine, Texas


I realize it may seem obvious with a town name like “Grapevine,” but I hadn’t anticipated so many wineries in the area. In just the few blocks of Main Street that we walked, we passed at least four different wineries. Goodness only knows how many others are in town or nearby.


As it turns out, the humble beginnings of Grapevine began in 1843. At that time, a group from the Republic of Texas Commissioners, including the famous General Sam Houston (last name ring a bell?) camped at the Tah-Wah-Karro Creek, aka Grape Vine Springs. They were there in order to sign a treaty of peace with leaders from ten Indian nations. Grape Vine Springs was near Grape Vine Prairie, both getting their names because of the wild grapes that grew in that area.


And there we have it, friends! Apparently it’s a good area for growing grapes!


The camp began in the 1840s and 1850s, and as time passed the town’s name evolved to the singular word of Grapevine.



Back to the Present


Brian had hoped to take me to Sloan & Williams Winery, but it was late on a Sunday evening and they were already closed for the night. It was a reasonable situation, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. It’s a local winery on the charming main street. But they also had a large breast cancer awareness ribbon in their window advocating for self-checks – it had seemed meant to be!


(And I’m not gonna lie, I definitely went back at 10:30 the next morning hoping they were already open. I wanted to buy a bottle and get a picture with the owner and the pink ribbon in the window! Unfortunately for me, they open at the more socially appropriate hour of 3pm on Mondays, so I bookmarked this winery for my next trip to the area.)


Instead, we went across the street to Chez Fabien, where we were greeted with live music from a local group. Sticking to beer for the evening, I was happy to hear they had some Texas brews on tap in addition to a couple larger brands. Not only that, but they serve Nutella and banana crepes!


Brian and I were all the magic happens inside Hop & Sting Brewery.


Hop & Sting Brewery


Hop & Sting Brewing Company is actually the whole reason I went to Grapevine, Texas in the first place.


Well, my friend Brian is the reason. But he’s one of the owners of the brewery, and I love me some good craft beer. So I was scheduling my time in Grapevine around when Brian was available and the brewery would be open.


Brian gave me a tour of the facility on Sunday evening. When I returned Monday morning I was able to observe the milling and mashing process as Brian mixed up a new brew. Not to mention, I got to meet Dixon! He’s Brian’s personal pup, as well as the unofficial furry face of Hop & Sting and the namesake of Dixon’s Tap.


Beer taps at Hop & Sting Brewery.


I’ve already said I love a good craft beer. And I’m not just being biased towards an old friend when I say I’ve really enjoyed the beers I’ve had from there. (Seriously, it’s true.) But do you know what makes me love this brewery even more? Like, I would be there ALL THE TIME if I lived in the area?


Hop & Sting Brewing gives back to the community, with a portion of sales from four different beers going towards a designated cause. Three of the causes are staples: the Grapevine Professional Firefighters Association, Dallas Pets Alive, and the Miracle League of Southlake. The fourth charity partner rotates each month, with August 2019 being Pro Players Foundation.


Additionally, they have a monthly Charity Bingo night and Custom Pint Glass events to raise money for other causes.


I don’t mean to get too sentimental, but I absolutely love it when organizations give back to the community!


Oh, and speaking of, they’re working to solidify a local breast cancer charity partner for October. Ya know, just in case any of you are looking for a brewery to visit in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that month. *wink wink*



Final Thoughts


Grapevine, Texas is definitely a town I’d love to return to! There was clearly so much more to explore that I didn’t have time to on this trip.


Have you been to Grapevine before? What would you recommend I do next time I’m there?



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Quick History Lesson Sources:,_Texas



<a href="" target="_self">Beth DeLong</a>

Beth DeLong

Beth DeLong is the owner and author of Adventure After Cancer, a blog encouraging breast cancer survivors on how to get through treatment and to thrive afterwards. From local day trips to multi-week trips abroad, Beth hopes to inspire fellow cancer survivors that life is still a beautiful adventure, even after the trauma of a cancer diagnosis. When not traveling for leisure, Beth is often traveling for work, living at sea and monitoring for marine mammals and other protected species.


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