Cancer Journey Blog Posts

How to Prepare for a Hysterectomy: An Essential Guide

How to Prepare for a Hysterectomy: An Essential Guide

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be searching the internet for “how to prepare for a hysterectomy.” But at age 36 that’s exactly where I found myself. I imagine you never thought the same for yourself, did you?   But since this is where life has brought...

Coping Mechanisms During Cancer Treatment

Coping Mechanisms During Cancer Treatment

Hearing the words “you have cancer” is enough to make even the most resilient among us stop in their tracks. It’s a heavy phrase that no one ever wants to hear. And yet, according to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1.8 million people will hear that phrase...

Preparing for DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

Preparing for DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

If you’ve done much research at all on DIEP flap breast reconstruction, you probably already know it’s a doozey of a procedure. With a long recovery timeline, there’s definitely some prep work that needs to be done before surgery!   For those reading this who may...

Preparing for a Mastectomy

Preparing for a Mastectomy

Preparing for a mastectomy can be difficult. Especially when all you want to do is forget that the procedure is coming. But doing some prep work ahead of time will make the healing process – both physical and emotional -- that much easier.   Here are tips that...

Tips to Get Through Colonoscopy Prep

Tips to Get Through Colonoscopy Prep

Quick poll: who is super excited for their colonoscopy prep and procedure?   Yup, thought so.   Truthfully, I’m not sure why they get such a bad rap. It’s a quick and easy medical procedure that gets you a day off work, plus that ever popular colon cleanse...

9 Things To Know During A Cancer Diagnosis

9 Things To Know During A Cancer Diagnosis

It’s not like anyone plans on a cancer diagnosis, so how are we supposed to know what to do with if we get the news?   There are a lot of things we learn too late. Either it’s too late to utilize that resource, or we’ve already spent hours upon hours of online...

Unexpected Chemo Side Effects

Unexpected Chemo Side Effects

Most of us are familiar with chemotherapy medications having a ton of side effects. Like, an obnoxious amount.   If Adriamycin/Cytoxan or Taxol are in your chemo regimen, be sure to check out these two articles about common side effects! These are the side...

The Radiant Robe: An Honest Review

The Radiant Robe: An Honest Review

In April, I wrote an honest review of The Radiant Wrap. These silky-feeling or cotton wraps are designed by a breast cancer survivor with radiation patients in mind. I loved the look and feel of the wrap! But I found that I had a hard time utilizing it for radiation...

Chemo Survival Guide: Taxol Side Effects

Chemo Survival Guide: Taxol Side Effects

This article is a comprehensive list of the Taxol side effects I experienced and heard of, with tips on how to mitigate them. If you’ve followed me for very long or have perused my other articles, you know I’ve already posted one article on the Chemo Survival Guide to...